Friday 4 March 2011

The Adjustment Bureau review

Where would Hollywood be without Philip K Dick?
Three of the trailers we saw before tonight's screening were seemingly influenced by his works: Unknown, Suckerpunch, Source Code (the latter looks like further proof that Jake Gyllenhal will appear in absolutely ANYTHING).

So The Adjustment Bureau, based very loosely on a short story of Dick's, slightly surprised me by being an exploration of free-will with romantic comedy elements.
Damon's rather good doing his Damon thing as a rising politician who just happens to stumble into Emily Blunt's sweet and sassy dancer.
However men in hats are trying to pull them apart.

As an admirer of millinery, I'm slightly tickled that the hats end up playing a very significant plot point. Yes, this may be a weird sentence even for the interwebz but it's true.

One of the good things about the hat men is that, unlike, say, A Life Less Ordinary, the hat men have explicit limits to their powers. Which makes it slightly easier to suspend disbelief.
What also helps is that the movie captures the essence of NYC, including Daily Show cameos.
I think it can be easier to sell a fantasy story, especially one with some serious points to make, if it's grounded. And this it is.
The opening 10 minutes could have led into a movie of any genre, which I think is a positive.

A word of warning: it's nowhere near as Bourne-y as that poster suggests.

So, not destined to be a big hit, but a sweet sci-fi date movie.

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